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Presidents Welcome
Welcome to the Pirongia Golf Club website.
We hope that its contents are of value, whether you intend being a casual visitor or a potential member.
Most clubs have a characteristic or two which sets them apart from other clubs and Pirongia is no exception. An obvious feature is the background setting of Mount Pirongia with its tidy, pastured,lower slopes, contrasting against the bush clad upper reaches. The close proximity to the bush provides, particularly during the spring months, an abundance of tui, as well as smaller numbers of kaka (NZ native parrot) and kereru, our native pigeon. Additional to this, the Waipa River and its tributary, the Mangapiko Stream, enhance the view from parts of the course.
Should your visit coincide with our club day and our usual tee-off times, please make yourself known to the starting official who will arrange a playing group for you. Your presence is most welcome and we wish you an enjoyable round.
Thank you for visiting our website.